Home Audi 2011 Audi R18 Formula 1

2011 Audi R18 Formula 1

2011 Audi R18 Formula 1

2011 Audi R18 Formula 1
2011 Audi R18 Formula 1

The anatomy and aerodynamics amalgamation contains a lot of ability from the R8, the R10 TDI and the R15 TDI admitting the applicable of analogously sized foreground and rear auto is new to an Audi Le Mans sports car. This agreement allows a added counterbalanced weight distribution. The Audi R18's headlights, which are the aboriginal to absolutely abide of LEDs with optimized bulk of light, 2011 Audi R18 Formula 1 are a abstruse highlight. The new bearing of headlights was developed in abutting cooperation amid Audi Sport and the Abstruse Development (TE) analysis of AUDI AG and by application at Le Mans, will be able for approaching use in assembly vehicles. 

Audi's ablaze designers had the adventitious to accomplish their mark on the development as well: The LEDs of the daytime ablaze anatomy the appearance of a "1" which is advised to affect associations with Audi's celebrated cast logo. The antagonism admission of the Audi R18 is planned for the Spa-Francorchamps (Belgium) 6 Hours on May 8, 2011. 2011 Audi R18 Formula 1 Prior to the event, the new ancestor will be able to do its aboriginal laps on the chase clue at Le Mans during the official analysis day on April 24 and accumulate important abstracts for the chase on June 11 and 12, 2011.

Since its admission in 1999, the cast with the Four Rings has won the world's a lot of important ability chase as abounding as nine times with the R8, R10 TDI and R15 TDI models. 2011 Audi R18 Formula 1 In accomplishing so, Audi has equaled this accomplishment in the race's cycle of account with Ferrari. With the new Audi R18, which was presented at the Audi Sportpark in Ingolstadt on the black of Friday, December 10, 2010, Audi is aiming for its tenth Le Mans success in 2011. 

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